In Flux

I recently discovered a card game called Fluxx, and it instantly became one of my favourites because of one simple reason. And that reason is that Fluxx has one simple rule: Draw a card (from a deck of cards) and then, play a card.  Simple, right?  No.  The thing about Fluxx is… the rules constantly change.  That card that you drew from the deck might be a “new rule” card, which can then be played.  The “new rule” card will then change the current rules.  Crazy right! Well yeah, that’s why the game is called Fluxx, because the rules are constantly “in flux.” Cue the witty giggle.  Anyway I thought that that was quite interesting.

Apart from the discovery of a new card game, my life has been pretty busy lately. Working as a full time lecturer and studying copywriting part time is no joke.  Apart from work and studies I also have to find time to write.  I’ve recently been asked to write for a new website called Business Casual.  I’m really enjoying that because it’s taking me out of my comfort zone, writing about topics I don’t generally find myself writing about.

Apart from studies, work, this blog, and the Business Casual website, I’ve also recently been contacted in regards to a big project. I won’t go into that too much now but big things, and even bigger opportunities are on the rise.

I’m pretty much always working one way or another. In the rare moments of free time you’ll find me writing music, playing a board game, or learning Mandarin.  What I’ve noticed is that in this current chapter of my life (being busy all the time) I am actually the happiest I’ve ever been.  This constant feeling of productivity has really slapped me through the face, permanently leaving a smile on my face, and more importantly a happy heart.  Very poetic I know.

Having said all that… where I am in my life right now has enabled me to reflect on something I heard many years ago on a much deeper scale. I don’t know who said it, but it goes something like this…

“Work is more fun than fun.”

I can officially wholly agree with that statement, although I might make one slight adjustment and say: “Productivity is more fun than fun.”

Now stop reading this blog, and go and be productive. It’s a hell of a lot of fun, I promise.




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